What composite bats are
There is a common belief that composite barrel baseball bats perform better than alloy barrel baseball bats. But, that's not the case. Composite bats definitely have their benefits over alloy barrel bats, but when it comes to overall performance the two materials are equally good. The biggest benefit that composite provides over an alloy barrel bat is the barrel length. Because composite is a lighter material the barrel can be stretched longer than an alloy barrel bat without making the swing weight heavier. The result of this longer barrel provides composite bats with a bigger sweet spot. The likelihood of squaring up a pitch is going to be greater because of the bigger sweet spot. Composite bats also tend to be better at breaking up sting or vibration because the majority of composite bats have two-piece designs. The Easton composite bats tend to be some of the best bats at preventing vibration and they have some of the biggest sweet spots out of any bats on the market. ...